8 research outputs found

    A novel low-voltage reconfigurable ΣΔ modulator for 4G wireless receivers

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    This paper presents a new adaptable cascade ΣΔ modulator architecture fo r low-voltage multi-stan- dard applications. It uses two reconfiguration strategies: a programmable global resonation and a variable loop-filter order. These techniques are properly com- bined in a novel topology that allows to increase the effec- tive resolution in a given bandwidth, whereas keeping relaxed output swing requirements and high robustness to mismatch and to non-linearities of the amplifiers. Time-domain simulations incl uding the main circuit-level non-idealities are shown to demonstrate the benefits of the presented modulator when it is configured to cope with the requirements of GSM, UMTS, WLAN and Wi-Max.España, Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TEC2007-67247-C02-01/MICEspaña, Ministerio de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresa, Junta de Andalucía TIC-253

    Multirate cascaded discrete-time low-pass ΔΣ modulator for GSM/Bluetooth/UMTS

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    This paper shows that multirate processing in a cascaded discrete-time ΔΣ modulator allows to reduce the power consumption by up to 35%. Multirate processing is possible in a discrete-time ΔΣ modulator by its adaptibility with the sampling frequency. The power reduction can be achieved by relaxing the sampling speed of the first stage and increasing it appropriately in the second stage. Furthermore, a cascaded ΔΣ modulator enables the power efficient implementation of multiple communication standards.@The advantages of multirate cascaded ΔΣ modulators are demonstrated by comparing the performance of single-rate and multirate implementations using behavioral-level and circuit-level simulations. This analysis has been further validated with the design of a multirate cascaded triple-mode discrete-time ΔΣ modulator. A 2-1 multirate low-pass cascade, with a sampling frequency of 80 MHz in the first stage and 320 MHz in the second stage, meets the requirements for UMTS. The first stage alone is suitable for digitizing Bluetooth and GSM with a sampling frequency of 90 and 50 MHz respectively. This multimode ΔΣ modulator is implemented in a 1.2 V 90 nm CMOS technology with a core area of 0.076 mm2. Measurement results show a dynamic range of 66/77/85 dB for UMTS/ Bluetooth/GSM with a power consumption of 6.8/3.7/3.4 mW. This results in an energy per conversion step of 1.2/0.74/2.86 pJ

    Design of a power-efficient widely-programmable Gm-LC band-pass sigma-delta modulator for SDR

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    This paper presents the design and implementation of a fourth-order band-pass continuous-time modulator intended for the digitization of radio-frequency signals in softwaredefined- radio applications. The modulator architecture consists of two Gm-LC resonators with a tunable notch frequency and a 4-bit flash analog-to-digital converter in the forward path and a non-return-to-zero digital-to-analog converter with a finiteimpulse- response filter in the feedback path. Both system-level and circuit-level reconfiguration techniques are included in order to allow the modulator to digitize signals placed at different carrier frequencies, from 450MHz to 950MHz. A proper synthesis methodology of the loop-filter coefficients at system level and the use of inverter-based switchable transconductors allow to optimize the performance in terms of robustness to circuit errors, stability and power consumption. The circuit, implemented in 65- nm CMOS, can digitise signals with up to 57-dB SNDR within a 40-MHz bandwidth, with an adaptive power dissipation of 16.7- to-22.8 mW and a programmable 1.2/2GHz clock rate1

    Design of a 130-nm CMOS Reconfigurable Cascade ΣΔ Modulator for GSM/UMTS/Bluetooth

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    This paper reports a 130-nm CMOS programmable cascade ΣΔ modulator for multistandard wireless terminals, covering three standards: GSM, Bluetooth and UMTS. The modulator is reconfigured at both architecture- and circuitlevel in order to adapt its performance to the different standard specifications with optimized power consumption. The design of the building blocks is based upon a top-down CAD methodology that combines simulation and statistical optimization at different levels of the system hierarchy. Transistor-level simulations show correct operation for all standards, featuring 13-bit, 11.3-bit and 9-bit effective resolution within 200-kHz, 1-MHz and 4-MHz bandwidth, respectively.España, Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TEC2004-01752/MI

    Resonation-based hybrid continuous-time/discrete-time cascade ΣΔ modulators: application to 4G wireless telecom

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    This paper presents innovative architectures of hybrid Continuous-Time/Discrete-Time (CT/DT) cascade ΣΔ Modulators (ΣΔMs) made up of a front-end CT stage and a back-end DT stage. In addition to increasing the digitized signal bandwidth as compared to conventional ΣΔMs, the proposed topologies take advantage of the CT nature of the front-end ΣΔM stage, by embedding anti-aliasing filtering as well as their suitability to operate up to the GHz range. Moreover, the presented modulators include multi-bit quantization and Unity Signal Transfer Function (USTF) in both stages to reduce the integrator output swings, and programmable resonation to optimally distribute the zeroes of the overall Noise Transfer Function (NTF), such that the in-band quantization noise is minimized for each operation mode. Both local and inter-stage (global) based resonation architectures are synthesized and compared in terms of their circuit complexity, resolution-bandwidth programmability and robustness with respect to circuit non-ideal effects. The combination of all mentioned characteristics results in novel hybrid ΣΔMs, very suited for the implementation of adaptive/reconfigurable Analog-to-Digital Converters (ADCs) intended for the 4th Generation (4G) of wireless telecom systems

    Design Considerations for Multistandard Cascade ΣΔ Modulators

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    This paper discusses design considerations for cascade Sigma-Delta Modulators (ΣΔMs) included in multistandard wireless receivers. Four different standards are covered: GSM, Bluetooth, UMTS, and WLAN. A top-down design methodology is proposed to find out the optimum modulator architecture in terms of circuit complexity and reconfiguration parameters. Several reconfiguration strategies are adopted at both architecture- and circuit-level in order to adapt the modulator performance to the different standards requirements with adaptive power consumption. Time-domain behavioural simulations considering a 0.13μm CMOS implementation are shown to validate the presented approach.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TEC2004-01752/MI


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    SC sigma-delta modulator for multi-standard applicationUsando como leitmotiv el desarrollo de una entrefase analógico-digltal reconfigurable capaz de dar soporte a los diversos esstándares de comunicación, tanto inalámbricos como alámbricos, este Proyecto aborda los aspectos relevantes del problema: 1) La exploración arquitectural desde el punto de vista de las prestaciones y su reconfigurabilidad. Se consideran arquitecturas de convertidores sigma-delta, tanto de tiempo continuo como discreto, y arquitecturas pipeline. En todas ellas se estudia la incorporación de técnicas de corrección y calibración digital para el aumento de la resolución, 2) El modelado de bloques y arquitecturas con distintos niveles de abstracción así como las estrategias de simulación, 3) El diseño de arquitecturas y bloques en tecnologías de fabricación CMOS de última generación: 0.13 um de longitud de canal o inferior y baja tensión de polarización, 4) La incorporación de técnicas de diseño para test que permitan disminuir el coste del proceso de test de producción de dichos circuitos, un mayor cubrimiento de fallos y un diagnóstico y caracterización más fácil y eficiente, 5) El desarrollo de metodologías de diseño y herramientas que soporten el flujo completo de diseño y reutilización, y 6) El encapsulamiento de arquitecturas, modelos, metodologías, herramientas en forma de bloque IP flexible y embebible en sistemas de comunicaciones de nueva generaciónProyecto WW.CON.COM, Ref. TEC2007-67247-C02-01, Ministerio de Educación y CienciaN